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remaining period中文是什么意思

用"remaining period"造句"remaining period"怎么读"remaining period" in a sentence


  • 残存期间


  • Estimated remaining period
  • Where the time of payment was not prescribed or clearly prescribed , and cannot be determined in accordance with article 61 hereof , the rent shall be paid at the end of the lease term if it is less than one year ; if the lease term is one year or longer , the rent shall be paid at the end of each annual period , and where the remaining period is less than one year , the rent shall be paid at the end of the lease term
  • In case that the lease period is less than one ( 1 ) year , no matter whether at the request of the customer , or as a result of default in payment or violation of law , the customer shall be liable to cht for 35 % of the monthly rentals of port and pvc cir for the remaining period , in addition to the monthly rentals of domestic leased data circuit and dsu for the remaining minimum lease period in accordance with the leased circuit service regulations
  • Where the time of interest payment was not prescribed or clearly prescribed , and cannot be determined in accordance with article 61 hereof , if the loan term is less than one year , the interest shall be paid together with the principal at the time of repayment ; if the loan term is one year or longer , the interest shall be paid at the end of each annual period , and where the remaining period is less than one year , the interest shall be paid together with the principal at the time of repayment
用"remaining period"造句  
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